A Creation Tale for the Future: I Am Mother
A review of I Am Mother and how it reinvents the Christian creation myth
Our Future is Up to Us: A Review of Enola Holmes
Based on the https://www.goodreads.com/series/42968-enola-holmesnovels by Nancy Springer, Netflix’s release of Enola Holmes is a young adult romp of fun, mystery, and empowerment. Millie Bobby Brown is a treasure, as most of Stranger Things fans can loudly attest. Ahead is a spoiler free review of the movie. The story plot, according to Netflix: While searching for…
No One is Gonna Save Us
So many of my friends are hurting. It isn’t new pain, but a deepening of the wounds inflicted by the society we find ourselves in. Many are drained, worn down by the sharp, grinding edges of a harsh culture that loves the splatter of blood and violence being visited up their “fellow” Americans. As long…
The Day It Happened
The memory is clear as good, fine crystal. The actual vision, not so much. Gallup, New Mexico is a world away from New York City, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania. It’s 2001. I’ve left a career in telecom and cellular phones that had taken me from Knoxville, Tennessee to Chicago, Illinois, to San Diego, California, to…
Star Trek Day is Every Day
It’s a Saturday evening. My parents have long since put away the VHS rental tapes and as the clock inches toward 11 pm, my dad gets comfortable on the floor. He also read the Sunday newspaper on the living room floor, often passing the funny section to me and the book section to me. But…
Nicole Givens Kurtz is an author of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. She is also known for writing weird westerns as well as non-fiction work.
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