My Inspiration: A Theft Most Fowl
In April, I decided I wanted to write something fun–for me. I wanted to write a fantasy, but without the usual cast of characters (no elves, dwarves, etc). I searched around to find something other. Birds. I love birds. I don’t know a great deal about them, but I have always enjoyed watching them, listening…
Police Tunnel Vision Leaves More Victims on the Track: A Review of Netflix’s The Yorkshire Ripper Files
What stood out to me about the series wasn’t the brutality of what Peter Sutcliffe did to his victims, it was how the police’s blatant misogyny caused more women to be attacked and murdered. When the police get tunnel vision, more victims fall under the train.
Four Reasons to Return to the Kingdom of Aves
Readers took the journey to the Kingdom of Aves. You met Hawk Prentice Tasifa, an investigator for The Order. Hawks are the investigative arm of the The Order, the ruling body for the kingdom. Readers retreated into the lush, small egg of Gould to follow Prentice as she tried to find a serial murderer. The…
Coming January 20, 2021, the release of the second Kingdom of Aves Mystery, A Theft Most Fowl. Here’s the cover art by the majorly talented, Maya Priesler! Check out the blurb below and pre-order today! Blurb: Sent to investigate the theft of a sacred artifact, can Hawk Tasifa unravel the threads of the conspiracy before…
Nicole Givens Kurtz is an author of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. She is also known for writing weird westerns as well as non-fiction work.
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