Black woman looking out of the window, wearing a black turtleneck sweater and a turquoise necklace and glasses

Nicole Givens Kurtz has been called “a genre polymath who does crime, horror, and SFF (Book Riot).” They’ve named her as one of the 6 Black SFF Indie Writers You Should be Reading, 30 Must-Read SFF Books by Black Authors, and The Best of the West: 8 Alternative History Westerns (Sisters of the Wild Sage). She’s a two-time Atomacon Palmetto Scribe Award winner, an HWA Horror Diversity Grant Recipient (2020) and a Ladies in Horror Grant Recipient. With over 20 years in publishing, sheโ€™s written for Pseudopod, Fiyah, Apex Magazine, White Wolf, The Realm (formerly Serial Box), Subsume, and Baen. Nicole has over 50 published short stories and is the author of the Cybil Lewis and Death Violations cybernoir series as well as the Kingdom of Aves fantasy mystery series. She’s written the critically acclaimed, weird western anthology, Sisters of the Wild Sage: A Weird West Collection.

Nicole has conducted workshops for Clarion and is an active instructor at Speculative Fiction Academy. She is the owner of Mocha Memoirs Press. Sheโ€™s the editor for the groundbreaking SLAY: Stories of the Vampire Noire anthology and Blackened Roots: An Anthology of the Undead with Tonia Ransom.

Nicole is professional level member of SFWA and HWA.

You can read Nicole’s official bibliography: NGKurtz_Bibliography

Visit Nicole’s YOUTUBE Channel for current panels discussions and virtual appearances.

@2018 Photograph by Kecia Stovall.

 A few interviews (in order of newest to oldest):

Appearances (this list is no longer maintained. Sign up for the newsletter to learn about upcoming events):


State of Black Science Fiction


Carolina Renaissance Festival’s Time Traveler’s Weekend




ConCarolina, Charlotte, NC                                                                                               2012

Panelist: Electronic publishing, dystopias

StellarCON 36, High Point, NC                                                                                           2011

Panelist: Childrenโ€™s literature, the future of libraries

MilehiCon 43, Aurora, CO                                                                                                 2011
Panels: Fiction Writing, publishing

ConCarolina, Charlotte, NC                                                                                               2010

Panelist: Self publishing, electronic publishing, fiction writing

MilehiCon 42, Aurora, CO                                                                                                 2010

Panelist: Writing, publishing, childrenโ€™s literature

MilehiCon 40, Aurora, CO                                                                                                 2008

Panelist: Writing, dystopias, fiction writing

ConCarolina, Charlotte, NC                                                                                               2008

Panelist: Self publishing, electronic publishing, fiction writing

Leprecon 32, Tempe, AZ                                                                                                    2006
Panelist: Science fiction writing, dystopias

Westercon 57-ConKopelli, Phoenix, AZ                                                                           2006

Panelist: Short Fiction Writing, Electronic Publishing