What’s a Street Team?
In the ever-changing world of hybrid publishing, reader support is essential for authors. It can be the difference between a successful book launch and a crash landing. I’ve been published as a hybrid author since 1998, long before #Kindle and #KDP ease of publishing; however, one thing remains the same–reader support. One of the most…
Excerpt from DEVOURER: A Minister Knight Novel
Devourer Today is my book birthday! The second in my Minister Knight of Souls series, Devourer, is available in ebook and print editions. It’s always a pleasure to return to Veloris, the Ice Planet, but this journey took years, many revisions, and labor before Devourer came to life. So, help me celebrate her birth. She’s…
Crossing the Finish Line
There comes a time in every author’s journey that one spies the finish line of the story. The arc’s trajectory pointed toward the all important final two words: The End. I started The Minister Knight of Souls series many rotations ago while living in the New Mexican desert. Sarah’s journey from the soul cages to…
Excerpt from SILENCED: A Cybil Lewis Novel
 In 2008, my first futuristic thriller/mystery, Silenced: A Cybil Lewis Novel, appeared for the first time in print. The first release in Parker Publishing’s Isis SF line, the goal was to publish and promote black speculative fiction. Cybil was to be the flagship for that line. Fast forward to now. Cybil is back in print!…
AfroFuturism, Blerds, and Black Twitter-A Brief Reference Guide
While at illogicon this weekend, one of the panels I’ve participated in was AfroFuturism, Blerds, and BlackTwitter. We also provided a brief overview of the cinematic history of African-Americans in speculative fiction. Below is the list of references that provide a brief introduction AfroFuturistm, Blerds, and Black Twitter. Please note, this isn’t a complete list.…
Nicole Givens Kurtz is an author of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. She is also known for writing weird westerns as well as non-fiction work.
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