100-word Horror Review: The Old Ways
My continuing blog series where I review horror movies and keep it 100! Title: The Old Ways Director: Christopher Alender Released: 2019 Streaming Service: Netflix Origin: American Rating: 3 out of 5 Skulls Keepin’ it 100 [word count begins now]: A connection to family is important to reinforce our identity and how we view ourselves.…
100-Word Horror Review: May the Devil Take You
Here’s the latest 100-word Horror Review, where I keep 100! Title: May the Devil Take You Director: Timo Tjahjanto Released: 2018 Streaming Service: Origin: Indonesian Rating:  3 out of 5 SKULLS Keepin’ it 100 [word count begins now]: This one is subtitled and it’s bloody, like anime style blood that explodes in inky black spews…
100-word Horror Review: No One Gets Out Alive
Here’s the latest 100-word Horror Review, where I keep 100! Title: No One Gets Out Alive Director: Santiago Menghini Released: 2021 Streaming Service: Netflix Origin: American Rating: 4 out of 5 Keepin’ it 100 [word count begins now]: Based on the novel by Adam Nevill, this film about an illegal Mexican living in a boardinghouse…
100-Word Horror Review: Old People
A 100-word horror review of OLD PEOPLE movie currently streaming on Netflix.
Nicole Givens Kurtz is an author of science fiction, fantasy, and horror. She is also known for writing weird westerns as well as non-fiction work.
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