January has kicked off with a bang for Prentice and the Kingdom of Aves series. If you need social proof of how awesome this series is, check out the praise and critical reviews:
My Inspiration: A Theft Most Fowl
In April, I decided I wanted to write something fun–for me. I wanted to write a fantasy, but without the usual cast of characters (no elves, dwarves, etc). I searched around to find something other. Birds. I love birds. I don’t know a great deal about them, but I have always enjoyed watching them, listening to them, and trying to identify them.
What is Speculative Mystery?
I write mysteries. There. I said it out loud. For the last 25 years I’ve been writing with a secret in my heart. Yes, I […]
Covers Reveal! New Visual Goodness
September is starting off right! I have to fantastic book covers to reveal for my fantasy/space opera, Minister Knights of Souls.